me:mo episode 26
Four players are gathered around a table. Illuminated by waning candlelight: books, a lute, a dagger, wine in a chalice, gold and silver coins, and scattered between them the twenty-two triomphes of the tarot, as it was printed in Paris around 1620. > Tarot de Paris, the CD and 256-page book, are available to order here. |
me:mo episode 25
me:mo episode 24
me:mo episode 23
me:mo episode 22
me:mo episode 21
❧ Interview with improvising lutenist Bor Zuljan, Geneva. ❧ The newly reconstructed »bray harp lute«, according to Vincenzo Capirola. ❧ Speculations on the lute's sound aesthetic. ❧ Improvisation in the Renaissance. ❧ Francesco da Milano's »Fantasia a dui liutti« played with silver thimbles. |
me:mo episode 20
❧ The Vincenzo Capirola lute manuscript. ❧ Methods of preserving music for eternity. ❧ The first »piano« sign and ornament indications in music history. ❧ What Renaissance men thought of music from the 70s. ❧ About illuminated manuscripts. |
me:mo episode 19
❧ CD review: graindelavoix’ »Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog« ❧ Cipriano de Rore and the Madrigal ❧ Vocal Aesthetics in Flanders, Corsica, Georgia and England ❧ Titian’s style shift ❧ Lute intabulation: »Se ben il duol« |
me:mo episode 18
❧ The cultural significance of strings. ❧ Broken strings found in Vanitas still lifes. ❧ How to deal with a broken string, Marco dall’Aquila’s »Recercar senza canto«. ❧ Tuning as a metaphorical ceremony. ❧ A brand new composition. |
me:mo episode 17
❧ What Christmas means to us. ❧ – and where this feeling comes from. ❧ Piero della Francesca, Josquin Desprez, Gerard David, Arcangelo Corelli and their take on the nativity. ❧ How music transports an emotion through time. ❧ Michael Praetorius: Es ist ein Ros enstsprungen / Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming. |
me:mo episode 16
❧ The woes of making Early Music for a living. ❧ Giorgione & Marco dall’Aquila ❧ What was »The End of Early Music«? ❧ And why is it making a comeback? ❧ Digital Patronage: me:mo on Patreon. |